New beginnings!
After 5 years of only selling in our brick and mortar store, I decided to focus on our online audience, it's a steep learning curve, but I love new challenges, and started working on all aspects of our new online store.
Some months ago I started working with, Fair Kind is a social enterprise that sources handmade products from artisan groups in developing countries for corporate clients. By combining product design and community development projects, they cater to company's specific product needs and giveback goals. Their vision is something I share, and hopefully it can translate to our own site, and get SIMPLE to all of you!
I'm really excited to start working on the online side of things, I feel it goes really well with my products, and hope you will love them and enjoy them for the rest of your life, since leather lasts a loooong time, you just need to care for them, thanks for taking the time to read this, and welcome to SIMPLE!
Here's to new beginnings, new opportunities and new friends!
Jalid Daccarett,
SIMPLE Leather Goods.